Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jory Strong, Divine Redemption

Title: Divine Redemption

Author Name: Jory Strong

Rating: Four And A Half Siren Stones

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Sub-Genre: GLBT (M/M)

ISBN E-Book: 9781419928321

Publisher: Ellora's Cave

Buy-Link (If available):

Reviewer: Stacey Krug


While a standalone, Divine Redemption is a loose sequel to Death’s


Their connection was instant, their attraction intense. Reincarnated souls reunited though neither consciously realize the depth of their bond. Temperance and Demetri love each other. Lust after each other. But a third waits, someone who will complete an already near-perfect union.

Thanos wronged them in a previous existence and, as the mortal son of Dionysus, was punished for it by the Fates. He’s had lifetimes to repent, eons to witness the rebirths and deaths of the two people who have come to mean everything to him.

Now the Moirae have finally reunited the three of them, giving Thanos a chance to rekindle an ancient flame. For their part, Tempe and Demetri must choose him freely. While Thanos must avoid retracing old steps—and betraying his lovers once again.


I didn’t get to read Death’s Courtship which is a prequel to Divine Redemption, but it really wasn’t necessary. Divine Redemption is a great story all on its own. The author’s blub/summary before the beginning of the story lays out the background and history of the characters and their relationships.

Divine Redemption dives right into the meat of the story with Temperance and Demetri in a steamy shower scene. While they have wonderful chemistry on their own, they feel like they are missing someone to make them complete. Then enters Thanos and his relationships, both past and present, with Temperance and Demetri get revealed. Fate and choices play out to give the plot a little twist.

The sex scenes between the three are erotic and hot, hot, hot! The author did a great job making you feel for the characters so that the scenes also felt loving and protective of one another. A well written ménage a trois.

Divine Redemption is quick and short, unfortunately, because when you get done you’ll yearn for more!

This is a story that you won’t put down until it’s done!

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